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Using Facebook for Business

The Expert's Guide To Success

Facebook for Business
Is a strategy in itself. If you know its where you market is playing - then you've got to jump in with both feet.

Dante St James.
Facebook Blueprint Lead Trainer.

Messaging is a powerful, realtime tool for small businesses. There are also consumers who choose one shop over another purely for the messaging aspect over calling customer service. This seems to generate a feeling of a personal connection with the brand. 

What is covered...

  1. Messenger - Why is it vital for businesses to take advantage of the different messaging solutions Facebook offers your business how to craft your Messenger marketing strategy reporting and insights
  2. WhatsApp - why it’s important for businesses to take advantage of WhatsApp 
  3. Exploring the various ways you can use the WhatsApp Business App to connect with your customers to incorporate Ads that click to WhatsApp into your marketing funnel. 

Source: Dante St. James, Business Station, AusIndustry via the ASBAS Digital Solutions Program - Click here to view original post.

What factors impact on your success?

Does Facebook have an algorithm, and what is it?

Yes, an algorithm is a set of rules, similar to a recipe that follows problem-solving operations by a computer; Facebook uses an algorithm that constantly is changing.

What is the difference between a Facebook profile, page and group?

A profile is a place on Facebook where you can share information about yourself, such as your interests, photos, videos, current city and home town.A  Facebook Page lets you engage with people on the platform and offers tools to help you manage and track engagement.A Group is a page created for an organisation or business to promote activities. Users can join the group and post their thoughts. The primary purpose is to help users socialise on any topic within the Facebook community.

What new technology is Facebook bringing out?

  • Privacy-enhancing technology – Used for effective advertising.
  • Improved Product and business discovery - News Feed change
  • Using context - relates to the ads that you will see.
  • Building Communities - relating to community groups
  • Commerce - Shops are extending to Marketplace in the USA, so expect this to open up to Australia soon.
  • Business Tools - Customer relationship management, messaging tools or finding a job.

How did Facebook Start?

Initially, Facebook was called Facemash and started in 2003. The platform was initiated as an online service for students to judge the attractiveness of their fellow students. The primary developer was Mark Zuckerberg; the platform was against university policy and taken down after two days.In 2004 Zuckenber registered URL, and in 2012 Facebook became a Public Company.

Facebook has been around for some seventeen years, and in that time, the platform has changed considerably. The success of Facebook stems in part from Facebook insistence from the very beginning that members are transparent about who they are. The concept is that transparency is necessary to form relationships, sharing ideas and information.

Can I make money on Facebook?

Short answer...

You can monetise content with Facebook using in-stream ads, fan subscriptions, branded content, subscription groups or becoming an Influencer.

In-stream ads - longer videos, content used is best suitable for advertisers. Facebook payments -calculated by the number of video views and who the advertisers are. Your advertisements, created in the Creator Studio.

Build it and
followers will come.

Fan Subscriptions - Receive payments through monthly recurring fees. Identify supporters by a badge Facebook provides them in comments and rewards them with exclusive content and discounts. Successful when the pages have a large audience and an active following. Access to fan subscriptions is by invitation only.

Subscriptions Groups – Works well with groups that have an active community. To qualify, you must have admin status on the Facebook group page. Use the Creator Studio to get started.

Establish a

Influencers – Individual that has a reputation on a specific topic. They have a large following, and brands pay them to speak about their product or service.

Branded content - Used for Branded partnerships. Works with pages that have an active and loyal following. Facebook has created a tool Brand-Collabs Manager. To access a branded partner, you will need to request access and apply for Brand Collabs Manager.

10 Tips for a
Successful Facebook
Business Page

Expert Strategies Facebook for Business

  1. Create Facebook Live events as Users crave video content, and video engagement has a higher success. Statistics tell us that Facebook Live Viewers spend three times longer looking at live streams
  2. Ensure that your live streams are natural and not a production.
  3. Ensure that you have the location of your business turned on
  4. Check your Business Page settings and ensure that you have the tabs for video, photos and events turned on.
  5. Integrate your page with other social channels, i.e. Starbucks integrates its platform with Pinterest.
  6. Think of the outcome you wish to achieve, whether brand awareness, engagement, audience growth is your objective, and add value to your content.
  7. It is all about the User experience, assist your customers where you can and answer on time any comments they have made.
  8. Create “behind the scenes” content, and viewers want to know all about you, including the hard work.
  9. Build meaningful connections. 
  10. Ensure that your posts work well on desktop and mobile. 
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